Nature reserve

Skäraskogs nature reserve

Nature reserve

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Skäraskogs nature reserve is one of the smallest in the region but is a part of the bigger Natura 2000 area. So, there is more to see than just the two meadows!

The northern meadow is an area with pollard trees. The trees were traditionally pollarded to create more food for the livestock and to collect wood for making baskets and such. These trees can grow to be very old and hollow which some birds and insects love.

You can also find a diversity of different flowers who can only grow on these types of meadows.

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Activities And Facilities

  • Nature reserve Nature reserve


Skyddsår: 1959

Areal: 1,5 ha

Karaktär: Odlingslandskap, naturbetesmark, äng

Kommun: Uppvidinge

Ägare: Enskilda

Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen i Kronoberg


There is a parking space for the reserve right before Skäraskog gård.


Take the road that goes between Lenhovda and Älghult. Look for a white sign that says “Naturreservat Skäraskog” and follow that road for 6 km.


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  1. göra åverkan på växande träd,
  2. plocka blommor,
  3. nedskräpning

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