
If you have questions about a trail or location on the Naturkartan, you can easily contact the person in charge of the specific trail or location directly. Their contact information is available in the footer at the bottom of each page's description.

For general questions and support regarding our service, you can contact us by email at We value your feedback and our support team looks forward to helping you with any questions, technical issues or other matters related to our website and services.

If you are interested in becoming part of Naturkartan as a customer and benefiting from our unique services, you are most welcome to contact our representative, Kristofer at Together, we can collaborate and create an even better nature experience for our users. Read more under "Become a customer".

Thank you for using our service, and we hope you have a great experience out in nature with the help of Naturkartan!


We at Naturkartan

You can find more information about us here.





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