Hällestadsåsen-Borelund, nature reserve
Nature reserve
- County: Skåne län
- 6572.77 km away from you
Many of the eskers in the area around Hällestad have long been exploited for their stone and gravel. Hällestad’s ridges are a remnant of what once existed and are now protected as two nature reserves. The entire ridge is covered in beech woodland, which creates an interesting contrast to the surrounding landscape. The terrain is sometimes steep and difficult to access, which adds to the interesting character of the landscape.
Activities And Facilities
- Nature reserve
Bildat: 1963
Storlek: 5 hektar
Kommun: Lund
Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen Skåne
Skyddstyp: Naturreservat
Om du behöver ta bilen hit kan du parkera vid Maskängen eller vid Torna-Hällestads idrottsplats.
By bicycle, you can enjoy the ride to Hällestad’s ridges along the old railway line known as the Hällestadsspåret Trail. The nearest bus stop is Borelund.
Visiting address: Brotorget 1, 221 00 Lund. Phone number: 046-359 50 00.
Civic Center in Lund
Email address
Medborgarcenter Lunds kommun
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