Östgötaleden – in Borensberg
- County: Östergötlands län
- 6537.64 km away from you
Trail details
- Length 11.9 km
- Difficulty Blue - medium
In Borensberg you will find a 10.7 km long trail. The loop extends almost around the entire Borensberg on the north side of the Motala stream. The trail runs along Motala ström and Lake Boren, a beautiful section with fantastic nature. The route continues north through residential areas, until you reach the large and beautiful Bergvalla-Hällaskogen. In Bergvalla-Hällaskogen, there is a trail for running, a windbreak and a lookout point on the historic Juteberget, where on clear days you can actually see all the way to Linköping Cathedral! The terrain is varied, mostly small paths but also some asphalt. The trail along Boren's beach is adapted for accessibility. The trail is also adapted to be cycled. A mountain bike may be preferred but a "regular" bike has been tested and it also works well. However, you may have to pull the bike some short distances.
Activities And Facilities
- Biking
- Hiking
- Circular trail
- Near parking
- Near Public Transport
- Near toilet
- Wheelchair accessible
Grus, asfalt, spång, berg i dagen ...
Vid kanalen/kaffeteriet och småbåtshamnen.
Borensberg ligger mitt emellan Linköping och Motala längs väg 34 i Motala kommun. Åker man tåg stiger man av vid Linköpings Resecentrum eller Motala Tågstation och tar bussen mot Motala respektive Linköping. För aktuell turlista se www.ostgotatrafiken.se.
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Email address
Hilda-Linn Berglund
Organization logotype
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