Pilgrim Trail

3 Hed - Skinnskatteberg

Pilgrim Trail

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Trail details

  • Length 23.0 km
  • Difficulty Blue - medium



Arbete med leden pågår just nu mellan Brahegård och Valtarbo. Det gör tyvärr att vissa markeringar kan saknas längs den sträckan samt att den inritade leden på Naturkartan inte helt överensstämmer med den nya dragningen i verkligheten. Var därför extra uppmärksam på de temporära markeringar som finns längs den nya skogsstigen.

Arbetet beräknas färdigställas under maj månad.


The trail starts at Hed's church and follows the old railway embankment along the KURJ railway for a long distance.

About 2 km after Hed, you come to the old Karmansbo hammer forge with it's museum showing the life of an iron worker in the 1800s. The smithy, which dates back to the 17th century, still works and on the first Saturday in July visitors can see the production of bar iron there.

The hike passes by farmland and through forest areas. At Tomasbosjön you can enjoy a rest at the old track guard's cabin in Oxbron.

In Uttersberg, Romboleden passes Galleri Astely, which in addition to housing art exhibitions also serves coffee. After Uttersberg, the trail continues along the water Hedströmmen before the trail meanders into the forest. Here the hiker has to cross the train tracks at two places and it is important to keep a good lookout for passing trains.

After winding forest roads you approach Skinnskatteberg from the west side of the lake Nedre Vättern. Just before Skinnskatteberg's church, Skinnskatteberg's manor is passed, where SLU now has its School of Forestry.

In some places the trail is poorly marked and support from a digital map is good. Keep in mind that this route passes through an unattended train crossing. Watch carefully and remember that the freight trains pass at high speed.

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Activities And Facilities

  • Hiking Hiking
  • Pilgrim Trail Pilgrim Trail


Remember to check the opening hours for Karmansbo bruksmijö and Galleri Astley if you plan to visit, have a coffee or use the toilet at the site.


The trail is mainly located on a well-established dirt road. A shorter section passes through forest and on a forest path. Closer to Skinnskatteberg's church the trail follows an asphalt road for about 500 m.


There are parking spaces at both Heds and Skinnskatteberg churches.


It is possible to travel by public transport to both start and finish points of the trail section, as well as at certain places along the trail.

Find out more about the busses at www.vl.se

Find out more about the trains at www.sj.se/en


You will find Hed's church along road 250 between Kolsva and Skinnskatteberg.

Skinnskatteberg's church is located inside Skinnskatteberg's urban area. From road 233, turn onto Kyrkvägen.


As a hiker, you are responsible for finding out about any local regulations, paying attention to traffic and showing consideration for others who share the trail with you.

Whenever you visit Swedish nature you have a Right to public access. Read more about it here.

Remember to only start camp fires in established barbecue areas and ensure that there is no fire ban in your area.



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Eva Dellemyr


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