Vitberget 3 km
- County: Västerbottens län
- 6514.9 km away from you
Trail details
- Length 3.04622457 km
Track status
1-2 days (Prepared 15 Feb 08:32)
Only 3-, 7-, 10 km of tracks open 2025
The tracks that are open as usual in 2025 are Vitberget 3 km, Vitberget 7 km and Vitberget 10 km.
The reason is that we are building a [multibana in the Vitbergs area](https://skelleftea.se/skelleftea-vaxer/skelleftea-vaxer/archive/project/2024-02-28-White Mounter). The course will be 5.7 km long paved. The course is built on requests from the ski associations, which have long requested a safer environment for their practitioners during the bare season. Since the new track is largely built on existing ski tracks, some of these will be redrawn during the construction period.
Light. Vitberget's light track of 3 km is the track that attracts the most motionaries. A small-couped track for as well classic skiing as skate. difficulty: Easy way: Classic and skate lighting: Yes between 06-23 Fee: No no no no
Activities And Facilities
At the start of the track there is a car park and a heating cabin.
To get there by car, drive up the hill past Skellefteå Kraft Arena and fold off the left against the bike park Skellefteå Bike Arena, and right after the park you fold right up for a small hill, you will see the parking right up.
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Kundtjänst Skellefteå kommun
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