Legends and myths


Living myths in forests full of stories.

Tivedens forests and wilderness areas are famous for its secrets and legends.There is a strong and vibrant storytelling tradition.

Not strange with these heavy forest and wild nature -among giant boulders and deep fault lines - could supernatural beings be living here? Not so long ago there were people who were convinced, that they had seen both forest ladies, mermaids and goblins in Tiveden.

Join an exciting tour with guides in Tiveden!



Har du frågor om ditt besök i Tiveden kan du ringa till telefon 010-224 86 11 där turistinformatörer från Laxå, Askersund och Karlsborg svarar på dina frågor.

Email address

Laxå kommun

+46 584 47 31 00




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