
Hillfort, Slessberget


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In the middle of the reserve, you'll find the remains of a hillfort from the Middle Ages. Can you imagine what life was like back then?

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Activities And Facilities

  • Culture Culture


Skyddat sedan: 1992

Storlek: 32 hektar

Karaktär: barrskog, ädellövskog, kulturmiljö

Kommun: Södertälje

Markägare: Svenska kyrkan

Förvaltare: Svenska kyrkan

Skyddsform: naturreservat

Övrigt: Natura 2000-område Slessberget SE0110146


Follow the hiking trail from the entrance and parking lot.

By car: Drive to Mörkö, turn south at Idala (signposted "Naturreservat") towards Eriksö.

By public transit: Take bus 784 from Södertälje centrum to the Idala bus stop, then walk 3 km south to Slessberget.

For current information about public transit, see: [] (


In order to protect the Slessberget nature reserve, please respect the following rules.

Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:

  1. destroy or damage permanent natural structures or surfaces by drilling, cutting, blasting, carving, painting or similar,
  2. break branches, fell or in any other way damage living or dead trees or bushes or damage the vegetation in general by digging up shrubs, herbaceous plants, grasses, mosses or lichens,
  3. bring dogs, cats or other pets that are not on a leash,
  4. camp,
  5. hold orienteering competitions or similar,
  6. ride horses,
  7. operate motorised vehicles,
  8. make a fire.


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Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm

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