Nature reserve

Kaitum fjällurskog

Nature reserve

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Kaitum old-growth mountain forest contains vast coniferous forests, wetlands and low fells covered by mountain birches. The nature reserve lies between Kalix and Kaitum rivers and is extremely rich in lakes and watercourses. The large mountain marshes Sjisjkaáhpi and Goddeáhpi are among the richest birdlife marshes in Lapland, hosting swans, geese, ducks and waders. The Ore Line cuts through the area in a north-south direction. If you wish to reach the middle of the reserve, take the train and get off at Sjisjka stop. From there, an easily hiked ancient trail leading to Nikkaluokta, and from it you can closely encounter Sjisjkaáhpi and its birdlife. A road runs as far as the reserve boundary at Kaitum Chapel in the south. From here too, a hiking trail leads to Nikkaluokta. The area is 900 square kilometres in size.

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Activities And Facilities

  • Nature reserve Nature reserve


Kommun: Gällivare

Bildat år: 2000

Storlek: 900 kvadratkilometer

Förvaltare: Länsstyrelsen

Skyddsform: Naturreservat, Natura 2000


The reserve lies about 4 kilometres southwest of Svappavaara. Some ways to get to the nature reserve Kaitum old growth mountain forest are via a logging road, by train to Kaitum, or by train to Sjisjka.


The reserve lies about 4 kilometres southwest of Svappavaara. Some ways to get to the nature reserve Kaitum old-growth mountain forest are via a logging road, by train to Kaitum, or by train to Sjisjka.


Alla föreskrifter finns i reservatsbeslutet. Det är tillåtet att:

  • tälta
  • vandra
  • göra upp eld
  • plocka bär och matsvamp
  • köra snöskoter på väl snötäckt mark
  • fiska och jaga i enlighet med gällande lagar

Det är inte tillåtet att skada växt- och djurliv. Tänk på allemansrätten och var rädd om naturen!

Kaitum fjällurskog består av ett äldre naturreservat och ett domänreservat. Naturreservatet har behållit sina föreskrifter, läs mer i beslutet.


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Länsstyrelsen Norrbotten

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