Wertvolle Natur
- Landkreis: Kronobergs län
- 6589.62 km von Ihnen entfernt
Lake Helgasjön is one of Växjö residents' favourite lakes. It's located in the northern part of Växjö municipality, not at all far from the centre of town, and offers natural beauty and relaxing calm moments. Bathe, go boating, watch the birds, go fishing or just enjoy the beautiful view as the sun sets over the surrounding mystical Småland forests.
Aktivitäten und Einrichtungen
Wertvolle Natur
Birdlife at Lake Helgas**
People, boats, birds and fish. Everything is in Lake Helgas. Sea environments are rich in life. In order for beauty and values to last, review and respect of all visitors is required. In this way, in the future, we will also enjoy the peak wilderness crystals and fish glows that slip into the sky. A natural treasure of global interest where more than 100 bird species are regularly found at Lake Helgas. The Swedish stocks of storlom and fish poultry are of great international importance. Roping loom and floating casting also account for much of the experience of Lake Helgas.
The fact that storloms, fish casts, gulls, drums and other birds are given opportunities to breed in peace and tranquility is crucial for the Helgasjön to continue to have a rich life. Fish cast is used year after year. Some years are empty, to be obsessed. Even if you can’t see any birds at the nest, it doesn’t have to stand empty. Kids often push so hard into the nest that they are impossible to spot from the lakeside or country. Paints, drums and bridesmaids clearly and loudly show if you have come too close to nests or young people. If they fly nearby to you, it means you should pull away as soon as possible. Read more about how we together protect bird life in attached folders and in the latest Helgasjö inventory.
The Helgasjön is located north of Växjö city.
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