Rezerwat przyrody


Rezerwat przyrody

0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)



The spruce forest around Flintbäcken is old and varied, like a natural forest.

The trees are around 200 years old and are draped in plenty of lichen, mainly witch’s hair. Large amounts of common haircap and peat moss grow on the ground. Lapland buttercup, with its wonderful green leaves and small yellow flowers, thrives by the brook in the swamp wood.

Good despite the ditches

Flintbäcken brook has been cleared to allow log driving, and ditches have also been dug adjacent to the brook. As a result, there has been a great deal of erosion in the area and interesting new environments have been created. Large trees have fallen down and bare earth has emerged. This has enabled a number of species to spread out that would otherwise have found it difficult to do so.

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  • Rezerwat przyrody Rezerwat przyrody

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Tillgängligheten är relativt god med skogsbilväg som ansluter till naturreservatet.

Det lättaste sättet att nå reservatet är via en avtagsväg norrut, strax före sjön Bjurselet, från den allmänna vägen mellan Norsjö och Bastuträsk. Avtagsvägen når reservatets sydöstra hörn efter ca 750 meter, efter ytterligare 700 meter kommer en avtagsväg till vänster. Där finns en informationsskylt.


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