Rezerwat przyrody
- Województwo: Västerbottens län
- 6415.34 km od Ciebie
Lögdeälven river, which runs through the reserve, is a popular destination for anglers. The area is heavily visited and has several well-trodden paths. The two steep mountains, Bastuklumpen and Lögdåkullen, are located one on either side of the river. The mountains have sheer drops and masses of boulders.
Fire field from 1970
The reserve is mostly a fire field dating from 1970. Only the western parts avoided the most recent fire, and this area is home to mixed coniferous forest that is roughly 150-200 years old and covered with a large amount of lichen. The actual fire field has been left alone after the fire, with no particular involvement by people, and now supports a forest with a lot of deciduous trees.
Działania i udogodnienia
- Rezerwat przyrody
Wskazówki dojazdu
Reservatet ligger ca 4 mil nordost om Åsele.
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Länsstyrelsen Västerbotten
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