Wędrówki piesze


Wędrówki piesze

0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)

Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku

  • Długość 21.0 km
  • Trudność Niebieski - średni



A hiking trail of 21 km, starting at Fredros Manor and ending at Källerashöjden in Bogen, where it connects to Finnskogsleden. An excellent choice for wilderness spirit, this trail takes you through varied and hilly terrain. By waters, across heights and through forests you can walk in the foot steps of earlier generations, encounter traces of immigrated Finns and remains of cottages.

The trail connects Fredros in the South, with Finnskogsleden in the North. If you want to go just parts of the trail, you can access it by car at Västra Abborrsjön, Axland and at the Bogen Church.

Finnvägen is one of four trails in an application for quality assurance through Hiking Värmland. The process is ongoing, which leaves a lot of work to be done. However, old colour markings are visible on great parts of the distance, but are hard to find along some stretches. Meanwhile, make sure to bring a map. Colour markings will be refreshed in 2023. New signs and maps will be put up and duck boards will be added, but wearing boots, it is ok to get through in its' present condition.

Trail description and an updated map will be published in the fall of 2023.

Get here by public transport


    Arvika Turistbyrå, Storgatan 22

    671 31 Arvika


Działania i udogodnienia

  • Wędrówki piesze Wędrówki piesze


Blandat underlag - mestadels skogsstigar och kärrvägar, kortare partier på timmervägar.



Visit Arvika
Arvika Turistbyrå, Storgatan 22
671 31 Arvika


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Visit Arvika

+46 570 817 90


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