Obserwowanie dzikiego ptactwa

Trosa våtmark

Obserwowanie dzikiego ptactwa

0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)



Today, there are much fewer wetlands in our natural environment than 100 years ago. Small varied wetlands are an important habitat for many birds. They need wetlands to find food and shelter. Therefore, every new wetland is a welcome for wildlife. The municipality created Trosa Wetland in 2003 to receive and further purify the water from Trosa purification plants, an added bonus was the rich bird life that flourish here.

In Trosa Wetland there are several different types of environments that benefit from the various types of birds. There are shore meadows that are important for both swimming and wading. There are lapwings, gadwalls, teal, northern shovelers looking for food. The beach beds are regularly blown out to keep them open.

The dense bulrush is another important aspect of the wetlands. It provides a good hiding place and environment for many different birds. Here hides amongst others the water rail and the common moorhen. In early summer the sedge warblers song is heard from the bulrush. In the wetland there are even open water areas where birds like sedge warblers, common golden eye and horned grebes thrive.

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Działania i udogodnienia

  • Obserwowanie dzikiego ptactwa Obserwowanie dzikiego ptactwa
  • Cenna przyroda Cenna przyroda


  • Blisko parkingu Blisko parkingu
  • Blisko transportu publicznego Blisko transportu publicznego
  • Dostęp dla wózków dziecięcych Dostęp dla wózków dziecięcych
  • Dostęp dla wózków inwalidzkich Dostęp dla wózków inwalidzkich


Trosa våtmark är ungefär 6 ha stort.


Vid parkeringen vid Trosaporten eller längst vägen vid fågeltornet.

Wskazówki dojazdu

Från väg 218, Ådavägen, är det skyltat mot fågeltorn. Det går också bra att parkera vid den stora parkeringen vid Trosaporten och promenera längst ån.


Adres e-mail

Trosa kommuns turistcenter


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