Rezerwat przyrody


Rezerwat przyrody

0 z 5 gwiazdek — (zobacz recenzje)



Vallegielas is a virgin forest area with several mountain summits. The highest one reaches about 650 metres a s l. Thanks to the forest being undisturbed for a very long time, many rare primary forest species have found sanctuary here. In the spruce forests, the ancient trees are draped with hanging lichen, above all Witch's Hair alectoria sarmentosa. The area is 9.6 square kilometres in size.

Get here by public transport

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  • Rezerwat przyrody Rezerwat przyrody


Follow road 95 southwards from Arjeplog for 27.5 kilometres, then turn westwards on to a logging road. After about 7.5 kilometres the reserve lies on the left. If you continue along the logging roads you can drive all the way into the reserve. These roads can be in poor condition. An alternative way is to drive southwards from Arjeplog towards Mellanström and then 40 kilometres to Långviken. From there you follow logging roads for 11 kilometres to the reserve.


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