Norrstigen, Bullerö
- Kunta: Stockholms län
- 6691.76 km päässä sinusta
Polun yksityiskohdat
- Pituus 1.4 km
The Norrstigen trail takes you to the northern part of Bullerö where you can enjoy an incredible vista.
Toimintaa ja tilat
Protected since:** 1967
**Size: ** 437 hectares of which country 544 hectares
** Character**: archipelago, marine environments and cultural environment
Kommun: 🙂
Mark Owners: State
Administrator: County Administrative Board
Protection form: Nature reserve
Other: Natura 2000 area Bullerö-Buytta SE0110088
In order to protect the Bullerö nature reserve, please respect the following rules.
Within the reserve, it is forbidden to:
- from February 1 - August 15, enter the bird protection areas as marked on the Bullerö reserve map (“fågelskyddsområde” in Swedish), Appendix 2 in the reserve proclamation,
- destroy or damage permanent natural structures or surfaces by drilling, cutting, blasting, scraping, carving, painting or similar,
- break branches, fell or in any other way damage living or dead trees or bushes or damage the vegetation in general by digging up shrubs, herbaceous plants, grasses, mosses and lichens,
- disturb wildlife (e.g. by climbing nesting trees, trapping or killing mammals, birds, reptiles or amphibians). It is forbidden to kill seals caught within the context of commercial fishing.
- bring dogs or other pets that are not on a leash,
- anchor a boat for more than two consecutive nights in the same place,
- hunt,
- camp for more than two consecutive nights in the same place. In the village of Bullerön, camping is only permitted at designated sites.
- pick lesser butterfly-orchids (“nattviol” in Swedish) or other orchids,
- make a fire outside of designated and prepared sites on Bullerön and Bodkobben,
- operate motorised watercraft with a speed higher than 7 knots, within 100 meters of the shore,
- operate commercial transport to the reserve, without permission from the County Board,
- take off or land an aircraft.
Rule 13 does not apply to:
- emergency services or ambulances,
- national or municipal officials on duty,
- permanent residents of the reserve.
Ota yhteyttä
Länsstyrelsen i Stockholm
Organisaation logotyyppi
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