
Konstverk Mäster Olof


0 5 tähteä — (katso arvostelut)



Bror Marklund designed the set and costumes for Alf Sjöberg’s production of August Strindberg’s play ‘Mäster Olof’ (Master Olof) at the Royal Dramatic Theatre in 1972. He made the characters in miniature from clay and generously offered the Municipality of Värnamo the right to cast them, to complement the decoration of the Kyrktorget square. The municipality only had to pay for the casting itself.

Due to the significant criticism of the previous collections of sculptures in Kyrktorget square, it was unclear whether the Municipality of Värnamo would accept Bror Marklund’s offer or not. But on 18 November 1974, Bror Marklund’s controversial ‘Mäster Olof’ sculptures were installed in the northwest corner of Kyrktorget square, and today no one can imagine it without the three collections of sculptures by the artist. Gift to the Municipality of Värnamo in 1974.

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Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun Kyrktorget 1, 331 83 Värnamo Telefon 0370-37 70 00 www.varnamo.se


Kontaktcenter Värnamo kommun

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