Signaturled Öland - Mörbylångaleden Etapp 4
Wędrówki piesze
- Województwo: Kalmar län och Öland
- 6703.45 km od Ciebie
Szczegóły dotyczące szlaku
- Długość 19.5 km
- Trudność Niebieski - średni
Kastlösa - Seby Läge
TRAIL DESCRIPTION Stage 4 largely follows a route where the Öland railway ran until 1961. Between Kastlösa and Skärlöv it is easy to get around, even with a bicycle or pram. South of Skärlöv and up to Mellby the trail is more difficult, with uneven ground, several stiles, remnants of railway sleepers and wear and tear from animals, weather and wind.
The stage starts at the back of the old Kastlösa school, where parking is available. Follow the old railway embankment straight east to the car park at Penåsa. Here you will find seating, an accessible toilet and information boards. The trail continues on the old railway bank through a wooded area and you soon reach the Penåsa rest area well nestled in greenery. There are toilets, barbecue facilities and a shelter.
Then the vast expanses of the alvars open up again, offering outstanding views. After a good 8 km hike from Kastlösa, you reach Skärlöv's rest area. The trail then turns south and passes the old station house in Skärlöv. After a short passage on the alvar, the trail continues again on the old railway embankment. Here you will find four works of art placed in the open landscape, the so-called Skulpturleden. The Mörbylångaleden trail continues further south on the steep railway bank and you eventually reach Seby rest area at Segerstad/Seby. The trail then turns east towards the Seby location via the beautiful lake road. Here you will find parking, toilets and an information board as well as a simple bathing area.
Parking is available in Kastlösa, at Penåsa and at Seby Läge. Rest areas with toilets are in Penåsa, Skärlöv, Seby and Seby Läge.
At Penåsa there is also a stretch that is accessible and a disabled toilet.
The route is marked with red arrows.
Działania i udogodnienia
Wędrówki piesze
Blisko parkingu
Blisko toalet
The Sculpture Trail Skulpturleden starts at Skärlöv's old station and follows the fourth stage of the Mörbylångeden trail 4 km south towards Mellby. The trail consists of four works of art placed along the old railway embankment. Here, nature and culture interact to provide an ever-changing experience.
The artworks along the Sculpture Trail: Ox by Anders Lundgren, Mörbylånga, Passage by Kåre Holgersson, Bergkvara, Set table by Christer Jansson, Eriksöre and Trojan horse by Jörgen Platzer, Ölands Skogsby.
Öland Railway The southern section of the railway on Öland was opened in 1910. The 96 km track system consisted of main tracks and branch tracks at the ports of Borgholm, Färjestaden and Mörbylånga. The railway became a lifeline for the whole of southern Öland and especially for agriculture and bed transport. Södra Ölands Järnväg remained as a company until 1928 when it merged with Borgholm - Böda Järnväg and became Ölands Järnväg. The railway on Öland was closed down on 30 September 1961.
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Matheus Tholin
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